Youth and Social Networking Sites.
Anthony Mayfield says that social network sites allow people
to build personal web pages and then connect with friends to share content and
communication. While social networking sites are expanding, I will specifically
write about Facebook because it has the highest amount of users in the world.
So how big of a deal is Facebook anyway? The answer could be very much or very
little. Well, it is actually more complex from what is seems, seeing how
Facebook has evolved since its existence. Since its introduction, Facebook has
been used mainly for communication purpose. The truth is while we are moving
forward with time, so is the purpose of Facebook. The table below shows the top
social networking sites in the world.
Estimated unique monthly users
According to Edward Boches, Professor of the Practice of
Advertising at Boston University’s College of Communications, he claims that
there has been a debate between the old media and the new media. As a response
to that, he points out that the
question, of course, is whether Facebook is a social media network or an
advertising medium. Brands and
organizations tend to reach out to youth where they are which is on Facebook.
The advancement in technology has made the advertising sectors shifting to
Facebook as a platform to reach out to youth. Now, why youth? This is because
youth spend most their time on Facebook more than Google or Youtube.
Here are some of the examples of advertising on Facebook.
1. (RED) ™
names like Nike, Apple, and Starbucks. The organization’s main objective is to bring awareness and help fight AIDs in Africa. (RED) launched a Facebook campaign to spread awareness to and induce engagement in users and businesses on Facebook. It used Facebook targeting to put its ads out to people who had specific Likes and Interests listed in their profiles
· In the first week, the (RED) Facebook
Page gained 225,000 fans
· Over the course of the campaign, the
fan count rose 117%
· On World AIDs Day, the (RED) Facebook
Page was the third-highest Page gaining fans at 148 likes per minute
· Over 100,000 changed their profile
pictures to a (RED) photo or shared the (RED) Awareness Video
2. Adidas Originals
Adidas, in a six-month long campaign, wanted to increase the number of
connections on its Facebook page, generate video engagement, and re-introduce
itself as a modern, trendy fashion brand. The company introduced the campaign
that featured Premium Video Comment Ads targeted at 18- to 34-year-olds in 11
different countries. The company used keywords like “Star Wars,” “science
fiction,” “fashion,” and “Lady Gaga” in people’s Likes and Interests to target
them as well.
· The Adidas Originals Facebook Page
reached almost 230,000 fans, a 6% increase
· The video ads resulted in over
722,000 engagements
· The Originals store had steadily
increasing traffic during the campaign on Facebook.
Many customers noted their interest in the product came from the social media site.
Many customers noted their interest in the product came from the social media site.
The results show that it is a good sign for the advertisers
on Facebook because it is so easy to attract fans. It has been easier for them
to get global. We have to question if Facebook is an appropriate medium for advertising.
Personally, the accidental click on the ads or pop ups has made me very
frustrated honestly. Trust me, I get very annoyed. Resulting from these, I tend
to ignore the ads very much. Maybe we can ask ourselves whether we are easily
buying these marketing strategies here.
On the
other hand, Christine Greenhow of University of Minnesota conducted a research
on “Engaging Youth in Social Media: Is Facebook the New Media Frontier?” She
argues whether if youth can be persuaded to
critically engage in news and conversation on Facebook? Can they feel a sense of community? Furthermore, can
their involvement translate into real‐world
actions, or will it
consist solely of virtual activism? And, if we understood how young people
prefer to manipulate, produce and talk through information online, would that
move us closer to understanding how to develop successful media‐rich and educational environments?
Conversations on
Facebook consist mainly of normal conversations rather than critical
engagement. John Perry Barlow
says that cyberspace promises a space whereby it is global and anti-sovereign
whereby anyone can voice out their opinions. Is this completely true? I have to
say that it is supposed to be true but let’s face it. It is not entirely true.
I have to disagree with his statement because we are always bound by control
and filtering of contents. This issue
here tells us that we are not given the chance to voice out our honest opinion.
So this matter question about the voice of the youth being heard and whether
the youth is being taken seriously in the development of our community.
“Social networking
sites are not only popular for providing a platform for chatting, sharing
scraps, videos, pictures etc. but also for discussing social issues. However,
certain issues yet require study and research like impact of SNS on youth’s
minds and loss of privacy as earlier people believed in keeping their data
private but now they enjoy going public and showing wall posts, status updates,
tweets and in fact every thrill of their lives.” (Jain, Gupta & Anand,
This blog post is
derived from different perspectives on Facebook as the new medium in our daily
lives. The purpose of this post is to urge youth to think critically and not be passive in the virtual world as
well as the real world. I do agree with Christine Greenhow because it questions
youth’s action because it tends to be merely virtual activism nowadays.
Ask yourself, what
is your definition of Facebook in your own context? The world has categorized
us as the Generation Y because we are said to be equipped with skills and
talents compared to the older generations. Are we advancing forward or are we
slacking behind instead? It all boils down to the identity of youth and what technology
is doing to us. Who are you and how do you use the technology? What do we have to do to be heard?
Written by,
Michelle Wong.
1. Boches, E. (2010, January 30) It’s time for advertising and social
media to work together. Retrieved from
2. Greenhow, C.
(2008). Engaging Youth in Social Media:
Is Facebook the New Media Frontier? Minnesota: University of Minnesota.
3. Jain, M. R., Gupta,
P., & Anand, M. (2012). Impact of Social Networking Sites in the Changing
Mindsets of Youth on Social Issues – A study on Delhi-NCR Youth. Journals of Arts, Science & Commerce,
4. Keath, J. 105
(2012, June 19) Facebook Advertising Case Studies. Retrieved from
5. Mayfield, M. What is Social Media? Retrieved August 1, 2008, from
i'm so impressed! its soo informativee!!!
BalasPadamThank you!
BalasPadamIt is so critical and it makes me think when I was reading it. So well written!
BalasPadamcool stuff! good job!
BalasPadamOmg, darling u wrote all of dis urself? Ur writing style has changed so much! Good job dear. =)
BalasPadam"Personally, the accidental click on the ads or pop ups has made me very frustrated honestly. Trust me, I get very annoyed. Resulting from these, I tend to ignore the ads very much."
BalasPadamthumbs up lol i totally hate it when it comes up!! especially useless ones X D
It is a good post. Making us reflect upon what we actually uses Facebook for. Also, causes us to rethink again on the application of 'like'. Whether it actually has an influence in the real world or is it just merely a virtual activity.
BalasPadamThis is some piece of work. Very well written and informative. Bravo!
BalasPadamThanks guys! I hope this post helped in raising some questions. :)
BalasPadamvery informative! great job
BalasPadamnot bad.keep it up